Friday, August 26, 2022

"American Gothic 4- Cranford (backview) 2022"


"American Gothic 4- Cranford (backview) 2022"
Watercolor, 22” x 13”, painted on 300 lb. Frabriano watercolor paper
Unframed, $700.00

This painting is a bit larger than my usual size paintings. This backview, of the red house on the corner, really got my attention as the sun was setting. We’ve had some extremely hot weather for a few weeks straight, so painting a snow scene from last winter was refreshing. This home has continues to inspire me.

Blue Skies Ahead

A Slice Of Life, March 2025

My painting, "Exploring My Heritage", will be included in this year's, A Slice Of Life exhibit, at The Artist Framer.   Explor...