Saturday, March 12, 2022

"Her Childhood Home"

"Her Childhood Home", 3/2022, watercolor, 18" x 12"

$500.00, (unframed)


I was inspired to paint this scene for a few different reasons. I know that a neighbor of mine had grown up in this home, many years ago. I also love the layout of this side view and during the twilight. It had a magical glow that I knew I wanted to express in my painting. The architecture is also very unique, like many of the homes in my neighborhood. Many do not fit any type of development style. The winter, bare trees gave it the haunting effect, that I wanted to accentuate.


"Horror", 2005, watercolor, 30" x 22"  $700.00 (unframed)

I painted this watercolor in 2005, after the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami happened. A horrific tragedy that was devastating. So much suffering from in the war on Ukraine these days. My emotional reaction is similar.

Blue Skies Ahead

A Slice Of Life, March 2025

My painting, "Exploring My Heritage", will be included in this year's, A Slice Of Life exhibit, at The Artist Framer.   Explor...