Saturday, December 5, 2020

Christmas Card illustration for 2020

 An imaginary, skating scene on the Rahway River in Cranford, NJ. Pen and ink with watercolor.  101/2 “ x 7 “.


  1. "My heart skipped a a beat when I saw this artwork from a Cranford artist. What fun times we had in such a sweet place." This from my daughter, Christine, now 61, raised in Cranford, now living in Tn. She sent me this card in celebration. Thank you. Joan

    1. Thank you for your comment Joan! I'm glad you enjoy the card. Steve



Blue Skies Ahead

2024 Season's Greetings Exhibit

.     Show on Display:   Dec. 8th - Jan. 1st *** Opening Reception: *** Sunday December 8th from 1-3PM     I have the following four paintin...